Friday 17 July 2015


A religious nation we claim to be.
Christians, Muslims, Traditionalists & more.
Each believes in a Supreme Being above
Who is pure in spirit,
Detests sin,
And loves to see His followers live in harmony.
Why Ghana hasn’t replaced Mecca & Israel
As a prime destination for pilgrims is a wonder to me.
Christians are taught
‘The way, the truth & light’ of the Father through Jesus.
Islam preaches peace.
The Traditionalists encourage harmonious living
With the gods & mankind.
Churches are mushrooming in every single corner,
With services being held every single day.
Muslims gather to pray five times per day.
Traditionalists spend precious time
Sacrificing day and night,
All in the name of religion.
But what is the essence of all these religious engagements
When our individual lives are not affected positively?
Of what substance is religion
When our communities & nation keep sinking in all fields?
‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’ we claim.
Why then do we keep drowning this nation in trash each day?
No wonder God appears far from us.
Our nation is filthy!
Our religions preach peace
Yet we start ethnic conflicts over ordinary meat.
Our religions teach truth & honesty
Yet white-colour robberies & corruption are our daily bread.
Bribery & blatant thievery from politicians have become the norm.
The same political heads that violently win power
Are the same that attend churches,shrines & mosques
To thank their God for the victory.
These same politicians & civil servants who financially haemorrhage
The state during weekdays
Are the same that pay tithes & offerings on those proceeds on Sundays.
The same worker that plays truancy at work during weekdays
Is the same that embarks on 40 days fasting & prayers
 For promotion & increment in salaries at work.
That man who sleeps around with women
Is the same that prays to marry a virgin one day.
We always appear religious
But are far from being spiritual.
If just 1% of us practice what our various religions preach
This country would have been a paradise for us all.
We delight in religion as humans.
We love the doctrines & formalities associated them.
We appear religious at all times
But within our heart of hearts
We’re filthy!,filthy!,filthy!