Monday, 12 August 2013


From the very day I proposed
And you gladly said ‘YES!’,
I have gradually become a better man
I owned virtually nothing
But I still managed to propose to you
You had the world at your feet yet you gracefully accepted
I know I’m not the most handsome of men
I don’t need any other person to draw my attention to that
Because my father even calls me ‘Donkey Kong’
My gross monthly income couldn’t even buy a single China phone
In spite all these
You went ahead to intoxicate me over the years with your love & care
You’ve been much closer to me than my boxer shorts
You’ve paid more attention to me than Justice Atuguba
The only thing I really wish for
Is to give you my all in return
And continually stand firm by you at all times
I can’t wait for the day
When I can personally exhibit you to the entire world
I can’t wait to permanently replace your family name with mine
In the presence of Pope Francis & Sheik Nuru Sharbutu
I just can’t wait for the day
When my best man would announce to the world with glee,…..