Wednesday, 9 September 2015


Her family’s engagement list was almost two A4 pages long.
It was replete with items that could easily qualify
For a drinking spot’s shopping list.
The mere sight of it sent my libido into coma.
Joy Dadi bitters - 2 bottles
J.H Henkes schnapps - 2 bottles
Brandy - 2 bottles
Dry gin - 2 bottles
Locally brewed gin - 2 gallons
Palm Wine - 2 kegs
Whiskey - 2 bottles
Beer - 2 cartons
Stout - 2 cartons
Saki(Rice wine) - 2 bottles
1 white billy-goat with black hind legs
1 white fowl that lays brown eggs
Gift for father-in-law (Should include Jonny Walker whiskey)
Gift for mother-in-law (Preferably washing machine)
Gift for brother-in-law (Preferably hostel fee & Sebago)
Gift for favourite auntie (Preferably rent for 3 months)
Hymnal (Hard copy with soft copy on a black 64gig Scandisk pendrive)
1 Saturday Night dusting powder…
On and on the list went
Scanning through the list, my eyes got puzzled.
I kept wondering…
‘Is this actually an engagement list
Or a shopping list for a drinking spot cum pepper soup joint?’
‘Are they virtually selling off their daughter
Or they’re just making me pay for her feeding cost since kindergarten?’
How can a young man like me,
Whose take-home-pay isn't even enough to take him home
Get married decently?
How do they expect a lad
Who’s still trying hard to find his feet in life
Cough out these strangulating items?
No wonder ex-aspiring husbands
Like Haruna, Makafui & Tony
Have lost their appetites for marriage of late.
I wish I could take the queen of my heart to the altar.
I wish I could have an angel to call my wife.
I wish I could impregnate Papa Goro’s daughter in wedlock.
I wish I could wrap my arms around her every single night.
But with this engagement list
That can even cause a crab to frown,
How can I get married?


  1. how can we get married indeed!!!

  2. Great piece. It is a scare for the youth my dear.......
    Ex-aspirants paa di33333............hmmm. lol

  3. I love this. U seem to have me in mind when writing this. But still no fears, we will conquer.
