We dreamt of
a father who kissed his children goodnight
But woke up
to the realization that
Our father
barely stays home at night.
We pictured a
father who took his children to school each day
But came to
reality & realized our father leaves home before 5am.
Money indeed
runs a home
And work
generates that money.
But I wish
those two would never come between us.
Of what use
is money
When the home
is unstable?
Of what
essence are gifts
When love has
grown cold?
Of what
significance are lavish holidays abroad
When fatherly
love has faded?
Of what need
is a kingsize bed
When sleep is
hard to come by?
We have a
mother who wakes us up each day.
What we need
now is a father who’ll kiss us goodnight.
complained bitterly of your father, our grandfather
Who was never
there for you.
Why are you
making us see our grandfather in our father?
Where did we
go wrong as children?
Where have we
faulted as your family?
We want to
grow with you, our father.
We want to
hear you pray at the dinner table each day.
We want to
laugh with you behind the TV screen every weekend.
desperate for our teachers to know we have a father.
grieved enough with our mother.
All we want
from this day onward is to dance with our father.