I do remember
a mother.
I remember a
Who had to
wash bed sheets every single day
Because her
little boy constantly wee-weed on his bed at night.
I remember a
Whose toddler
wasted over an hour of her precious time each morning
Because he
had to be lured & cajoled to take breakfast.
I remember a
Who had to
chase her naked son around
Because her
son did not want to take his bath.
I remember a
Who was almost
always being invited by her child’s teachers
As her son in
primary 2 had caused one mischief or another.
I remember that
Who had to buy
a new pair of shoes with her very last pesewa
For one of her
son’s classmates when her own son’s shoes were worn out.
Her son had
angrily thrown his classmate’s shoes into a septic tank.
What a son!
I remember a
Who fails to
open her shop even on market days
Just to
attend Parent Teacher Association meetings in her son’s school.
I remember a
Who wept her
heart out profusely
When she saw
her ward’s B.E.C.E results.
He had
aggregate 36 anyway.
I remember a
certain mother
Who had to
sacrifice her working capital
To make sure
her son advanced his education.
I do remember
a mother
Whose child’s
health was of more concern to her than hers
And whose
child’s wealth was of more interest to her than her own.
I really
remember that mother
Who caned the
devil out of her son
Who was beginning
to exhibit signs of adolescent stupidy.
I remember a
Who managed
to squeeze milk & honey out of rocks
Simply to
make sure her children slept with smiles on their faces.
And awwww….
How can I forget
that mother
Who found two
pieces of Panther Condoms
In her
eighteen year old son’s left socks
And mustered
the courage to ask him
‘My boy, a
pack of condom contains three pieces.
What miracle
did you perform with the missing one?’
She took the
chance to engage him on sex education anyway.
I remember
you mama
I really
remember you this and every other day
In an
appreciative & happy way.
mother’s day to all the lovely mothers out there
Who persisted
in love and support for their children
Despite all
their stubborn & foolish ways…