Friday, 30 January 2015


From the blackout capital of Accra do we move,
Straight to the electrifying city of Tokyo.
From the filth of Kaneshie do we travel,
Up to the wonderful city of Calgary.
To the awesome environment of Hawaii do we sneak out,
Away from the air pollution of Agbogbloshie,
From the indiscipline on the streets of Bantama do we escape,
Silently to the order on the streets of London.
Through thick & thin,
We seek our way abroad.
We get there & work like Robocops.
Sweating & combining two,three jobs with very little rest.
We pay our taxes diligently.
We do our very best to abide by laws of a foreign land.
We barely even flout laws relating to animals.
Our African leaders go visiting
And can’t help but fall in love with what they experience.
No wonder most,if not all of them have their families
Either schooling or residing outside the shores of Africa.
Sadly & unfortunately,
We return to our motherland
With the beauty & glamour experienced abroad left behind us.
The wisdom, knowledge, discipline & order
All disappear before our flights touch down on the run way.
We fail to litter the streets on London
Yet we easily mess up the streets of Osu upon our return.
Our leaders attend seminars upon seminars,
Conferences upon conferences abroad
On how to make the best of the country’s resources.
Yet they return to export the country’s raw materials in their unrefined state.
They waste tax payers’ money learning about sustainable power generation
Yet return to lamely explain why we can’t have regular supply of electricity.
We work tirelessly around the clock in Europe & the Americas
Yet when we gain employment in our home country,
We tend to work as if we’re doing our paymasters a mega favour.
Why can’t we replicate the positives we experience abroad in our country?
Why can’t our so-called leaders replicate the paradise they experience abroad
 Here in their home country?
Why can’t we work diligently & tirelessly
Like we do in foreign lands?
What hinders us from practicing the knowledge acquired abroad
Here in our dear homeland?
I took the trouble to quiz an African politician about this
And guess what he said….
‘My friend, this is Africa.
Whatever happens abroad,
Must stay abroad'

Wednesday, 14 January 2015


Over 2000 priceless human bodies
Lay lifeless & scattered like billy goat dung
Left,right & center on the streets of northern Nigeria.
A bunch of misguided idiots,
With high libido for shedding innocent blood,
Freely & defiantly go about their operations in Nigeria,
Right under the noses of ECOWAS & the African Union(AU).
Every second of every minute,
Whispers terror into the hearts of northern Nigerians.
Every hour of each day,
Seem to be the last for most of them.
Fear and panic have been their daily bread for ages.
17 lives were lost to terror in France,
And the whole world has strongly risen against it.
Over 2000 lives were taken in Nigeria,
And the world appears loudly silent on it.
The life of the black man now seem equivalent
To that of a Christmas chicken.
A single white life lost inhumanly
Instantly becomes breaking news on all major news networks.
Yet, 1000s of black lives are callously lost each day
To ebola and other inhuman occurrences
And it is business as usual.
Who do we blame for the neglect of the black man?
Who do we hold responsible for the inhuman treatment
Metered out to the African?
Who do we hold accountable for the seemingly
Worthless life of the black African?
Well, the West is as innocent
As an isolated barbed electric wire.
The antelope will never find itself swimming in the cooking pot
If it doesn’t expose itself to the bullet of the hungry hunter.
Africans & African leaders in particular are the canker.
Yes, we are!
Which man in his right senses
Will joyously attend dinner with the Queen
When his children are painfully dying at home?
Boko Haram gruesomely took over 2000 human lives
In northern Nigeria,
And no African leader in his right mind rose to condemn
Or took any positive step against it.
Yet, 17 people were killed in France
And six shameless African presidents
From Mali,Gabon,Togo,Benin,Niger & Senegal
Travelled 1000s of miles across the ocean
At the expense of their respective country’s tax payer
To join in a march against terror.
They couldn’t travel 100s of kilometers over land to Nigeria
Yet, had the impudence to fly 1000s of miles over the ocean to France.
We are our own enemies as black Africans.
We are the major source of our own neglect,
And our African leaders are in charge of the continent’s destruction.
The Creator has blessed the continent
With resources and brilliants brains,
But these leaders will not give chance to reason & common sense.
In God we trust,
But in these apology of African leaders,
We rust!