Wednesday, 24 December 2014


‘Tis the season of Christmas
‘Tis the season of joy
‘Tis the season of sharing
And love unbounded.
‘Tis the season where the aged feel eighteen again
And a season of smiles for all.
As we swim through the drinks of X’mas,
Upset our bellies with a legion delicacies,
Lick around candies,
Unwrap gift boxes,
And torture our jaws with barbecues,
Let’s not take our eyeballs off the Object of celebration.
As we bask in soothing carols,
And jump in ecstasy at the sight of a gift box,
  Let’s have it imprinted on our minds,
That the reason for the season is Jesus!
Joy to the world!
The Lord is come!!
Merry, Merry Christmas!!!

Friday, 12 December 2014


‘The Lord Is Here International Church’
‘10 Virgins Ministries’
‘Through The Red Sea on Dry Grounds Bible Church’
‘Last Supper Evangelistic Ministries’
‘Let There Be Light Family Chapel’
‘I Shall Come Like A Thief In The Night Outreach Church’
These were just a fraction of the churches I chanced upon
Within a kilometer distance in a neighbourhood.
Within a matter of six days,
Another had added up to the multitude.
‘I Am That I Am Gospel Church’
While just last week,
I found two new additions within the same vicinity.
‘Virgin Mary, Innocent Joseph Family Church’
‘Five Loaves, Two Fishes Miracle Church’.
On the surface,
The aim of this battalion of churches is to draw people to Him,
Who is the Way, the Truth and the Light.
Their activities and teachings are meant to
Call sinners unto repentance.
Their evangelistic operations are meant to win over
The spiritually corrupted and morally decayed minds and hearts
For the Father who is pure and has no blemish in Him.
The onus rests upon them to point out the ills of their congregants,
And aid them retrace their steps unto the path of righteousness.
Naturally, one could expect a better people and a better society
With the proliferation of new churches.
Yet, the contrary rather appears to gain grounds.
The more churches that spring up,
The more sexual sins and robberies surge.
The more ‘men of God’ preach on the airwaves,
The more the moral fabric of our society gets shredded.
The more churches organize crusades and revivals,
The more filled up the night clubs and brothels get.
The more ‘appeal for funds’ are organized,
The more politicians literally steal from the nation.
The church has turned us into Weekend Saints, Weekday Sinners.
There are more churches now than ever,
Yet, our societies have morally decayed now more than ever,
And crime has skyrocketed now more than ever.
So, one may ask,
‘Why is humanity not really being positively impacted
 By the multiplicity of new churches?’
I pondered over this for awhile
And guess what a little bird whispered to my tired brains?
‘Churches are expanding with aggression,
Yet the Holy Spirit says,
‘Behold, my Spirit is not with most of them’