Accra is a big, buzzing city
With confusing and irritating sounds left, right &
From the left are needless & piercing sounds
From the sirens of police vehicles who are hastely
going no where.
From the right are irritating sounds from flies by day,
And mosquitoes by night.
In the center, we have noise from children playing ‘chaskele’
& ‘pampanaa’
Coupled with that of trotro conductors shouting out to
prospective passengers.
‘Kanesssh!, Kanesssh!!, Kanesssh…!!!’
Accra is totally drowned in needless noise
To the extent that mankind can barely think in comfort.
Electricity and water tariffs keep skyrocketing.
Parliamentarians keep passing bills for tax increments.
Fuel prices keep accelerating every fortnight
Like male kangaroos on heat in Australia.
Wages & salaries on the other hand remain plateaued.
Man needs to think through these cocktail of economic diarrheas
Yet, the noise pollution in the city says NO!
There is no peace of mind at home to think
Because strangulating bills and fees will just not
permit you to.
There is no peace of mind in the office,
Neither is there any iota of it in the bedroom of the
Nor that of the Chief Imam.
Thinking inside the trotro is never an option.
The last time I tried,
The ‘enemy of progress’ odour from the armpit of the
Caused me to forget my destination and change as well.
My tummy suddenly started thundering & rumbling one
hot afternoon
While in the busy Central Business District of Accra.
It is arguably the noisiest part of the capital city
by day.
I rushed to a nearby public toilet like a snake in
Never had I visited such a facility
But circumstances reluctantly led to me to one.
I always asked myself,
'Why do users keep so long in such a smelly public place of convinience?'
I went in hoping to come out within micro seconds
'Why do users keep so long in such a smelly public place of convinience?'
I went in hoping to come out within micro seconds
But to my utmost dismay,
I found my puzzled self in there for over an hour
Despite all the stench and heat within.
The level of concentration & flow of ideas through
my mind
While in there
was just awesome!
My mind was finally at rest for a long time.
It was really,really at rest.
It was really,really at rest.
At last, I found peace within a very noisy environment.
A rare oasis on the Sahara desert to engage my inner
man in thought.
Just bear in mind that,
Just bear in mind that,
Irrespective of how turbulent and boisterous your circumstance
may be,
There is always a moment of peace within that stormy situation.
In the midst of the most noisiest of environments,
There is always a place of hush for every man
Just take pains to find it!