In the heat of the moment
Amidst the hustling and bustling under the
scorching sun
Man forgets where he hailed from
Moving to and fro
Man becomes oblivious of his final
With barren hands did we all arrive
Naked we all came
And in a likewise manner shall we all
Why are we so quick to forget
That the life we so much adore and cherish
Is nothing but a mere smoke in the path of
the wind?
When shall we awake to the realization
That our lives are as water vapour
Which disappears within a blink of an eye?
Our days are sand in an hour glass
Each passing second draws us closer to the
We are mere tenants on the surface of the
We own absolutely nothing!
So why all these arrogance ?
Where from the pride?
Why the covetousness?
Why the greed and quenchless desire for
political power?
We are no different from the flowers in the
Which blossom gloriously today
But wither in the next moment
We are visitors here for a jiffy
So why these irrelevant litigations?
Why the tussle for corruptible materials?
Why the deliberate political unrest and violent
Why do we needlessly toil and burden
With amassing and stocking our cabinets
with ephemeral
When in the end
No one will cross over to the other side
with a luggage?
Today is what we have
No one has been promised tomorrow
Floods and hurricanes will pounce on us when
we least expect
We are candles in the wind
No one knows when his flame will be
So build your ark
Before the rains come!!!